Ruhepause und sanfter Schlaf*
Alternativ bitte “Passion Flower GP” nutzen!
Zusammensetzung (in einer Kapsel):
Lactium® – (Hydrolysat des Milchproteins) – 167 mg
Verpackung: 30 Kapseln in Blisterverpackung
Beschreibung der Studie: Ruhepause und sanfter Schlaf*
Cyracos® (Extrakt aus den oberen Teilen der Zitronenmelisse (Melissa officinalis L.)) – 300 mg.
Stress, erhöhte physische und geistige Belastung, unruhige und depressive Zustände, emotionale Labilität, erhöhte Ermüdbarkeit, Schlafstörungen.
*1. Dodge R, Cline MG, Quan SF. The natural history of insomnia and its relationship to respiratory symptoms. Arch Intern Med 1995; 155: 1797-800.
Angemeldete Benutzer sehen mehr Anwendungsempfehlungen.Studiennachweise:
1. Dodge R, Cline MG, Quan SF. The natural history of insomnia and its relationship to respiratory symptoms. Arch Intern Med 1995; 155: 1797-800.
2. Ancoli-Israel S, Roth T. Characteristics of insomnia in the United States: results of the 1991 National Sleep Foundation Survey. I. Sleep 1999; 22(Suppl 2): S347 S53.
3. Bixler EO, Vgontzas AN, Lin HM, Vela-Bueno A, Kales A. Insomnia in central Pennsylvania. J Psychosom Res 2002; 53: 589-92.
4. Ohay on MM, Guilleminault C, Paiva T, et al. An international study on sleep disorders in the general population: methodological aspects of the use of the Sleep-EVAL system. Sleep 1997; 20:1086-92.
5. Ohayon MM, Caulet M, Priest RG, Guilleminault C. DSM-IV and ICSD-90 insomnia symptoms and sleep dissatisfaction. Br J Psychiatry 1997l; 171: 382-8
6. Ohayon MM, Caulet M, Guilleminault C. How a general population perceives its sleep and how this relates to the complaint of insomnia. Sleep 1997; 20: 715-23.
7. Roth T, Ancoli-Israel S. Daytime consequences and correlates of insomnia in the United States: results of the 1991 National Sleep Foundation Survey. II. Sleep 1999; 22 (Suppl 2): S354-S8.
8. Thase ME. Correlates and consequences of chronic insomnia. Gen Hospital Psychiatry 2005; 27: 100-12.
Leon V. –
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